lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Engineering Books (Astronautic)

Modern Engineering for Design of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines (Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics)
By  Dieter K. Huzel , David H. Huang , and  Rocketdyne Divisi D. Huzel and D. Huang
Price:     US$145.75***
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Rocket Propulsion Elements
By  George P. Sutton  and   Oscar Biblarz
Price:    US$133.13

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Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students, Second Edition (Aerospace Engineering)
By  Howard Curtis
Price:  US$110.55

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Fundamentals of Astrodynamics (Dover Books on Aeronautical Engineering)
By   Roger R. Bate , Donald D. Mueller  and   Jerry E. White
Price:    US$43.36

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Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics (Dover Books on Aeronautical Engineering)
By   Peter C. Hughes
Price: US$53.95

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Introduction to Space Dynamics (Dover Books on Aeronautical Engineering)
by William Tyrrell Thomson
Price:   US$41.18

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An Introduction to Celestial Mechanics (Dover Books on Astronomy)
By   Forest Ray Moulton , Space
Price: US$45.99

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Spacecraft Dynamics and Control: A Practical Engineering Approach (Cambridge Aerospace Series)
By  Marcel J. Sidi
Price: US$99.24

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Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)
By  J.R. Wertz
Price: US$172.12

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Satellite Orbits: Models, Methods and Applications
By Oliver Montenbruck   and    Eberhard Gill
Price: US$115.95

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***Values in US Dollar and no include shipping cost.

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viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Engineering Books (Aviation)

Aircraft Structures (Dover Books on Aeronautical Engineering)
By  David J. Peery  

Price: US$55.84***

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General Aviation Aircraft Design: Applied Methods and Procedures
By  Snorri Gudmundsson
Price: US$142.18

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CIVIL AIRCRAFT: 1907-Present (Essential Aircraft Identification Guide)
By Paul Eden
Price: US$54.31   

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Introduction to Aircraft Design (Cambridge Aerospace Series)
By John P. Fielding

Price:  US$80.92

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Unflown Wings: Unbuilt Soviet/russian Aircraft Projects Since 1925
by Yefim Gordon  and Sergey Komissarov 

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The Aircraft Designers: A Grumman Historical Perspective (Library of Flight)
By Michael V. Ciminera
Price: US$37.95

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Model Aircraft Aerodynamics
By Martin Simons
Price: US$39.95 

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Aircraft Dynamics: From Modeling to Simulation
By Marcello Napolitano

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***Values in US Dollar and no include shipping cost.

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martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

About Us

We  are an  enterprise   dedicated  to   online  sales  of   science  books  to  finnance  our   researches  in  various  themes  of  interest  in  science ,   we  seen  the  daylight  in  2008  in  Mexico  City, a  fantastic site,  always  full  of  cultural life .  We  are  a  group  formed  for   various  specialist  in  various  science  fields. We  are  inspirated  in  Spirit  of  "Olimpia  Academy" in  1900,  created  by  three  friend youngs,  Einstein one  of  them,   and  that  wanted  promote  the  simple  pleasures  of  live  so  as   to  speak  about  science  theme , classical  reading  and  philosophical  discussions,  all  with  accompaniment   of  eclectic  foods and of  course  turk coffee .  Is  a  work  that  cause  us   very  much  pasion  and  fascination  because  we  are  always  in  contact  with  last  in  science  and   know us  people  with  similar  interests.  To    future   we  have  diverses  proyects,  one  it  is  the JBT system (Just-in time Book Translator)  that  allow  to translate  book and  papers  in  hour cuestion  from  any language to  any  language,  all down  copyright.  That  is  our  dream and  we  like share  with you.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            J. López L.
                                                                                                                  Gral.  Manager Olimpia Book

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Physics Books (Electromagnetism)

Electromagnetics, Second Edition (Electrical Engineering Textbook Series)
Edward J. Rothwell , Michael J. Cloud
Price: US$137.75***

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Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (Dover Books on Physics) Paperback
by Vladimir Rojansky
Price :  US$32.65

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Electromagnetism (Dover Books on Physics) Paperback
by John C. Slater  , Nathaniel H. Frank 
Price : US$11.41

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Classical Electricity and Magnetism: Second Edition (Dover Books on Physics)
By  Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky and Melba Phillips 

 Price  US$32.18

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The Electromagnetic Field (Dover Books on Physics) Paperback
by Albert Shadowitz 


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Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (6th Edition)
by Fawwaz T. Ulaby , Eric Michielssen , Umberto Ravaioli
Price : US$172.22

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Field and Wave Electromagnetics, 2nd Edition (Paperback)
by  David K. Cheng


By Branislav M. Notaros
Pice : US$185.58

Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics
By  Constantine A. Balanis
Price: US$232.40


Electromagnetic Vibrations, Waves, and Radiation
by George Bekefi and Alan H. Barrett
Price: US$79.18

Electromagnetic Fields, 2nd Edition
by  Roald K. Wangsness

Pice : US$189.17

Electromagnetic Theory
Julius Adams Stratton
Price: US$51.08

Principles of Electrodynamics (Dover Books on Physics)
By  Melvin Schwartz
Price: US$25.87

***Values in US Dollar and no include shipping cost.

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