The Space Conquest Technologies:
BY J. LOPEZ L. (Poemnet Editions), 295 pag.
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Electromagnetic Space Launchers Vol. II
Dynamic Considerations
BY J. LOPEZ L. (Poemnet Editions), 295 pag.
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Electromagnetic Space Launchers, Vol. III,
Electromagnetic Considerations,
BY J. LOPEZ L. (Poemnet Editions), 295 pag.
Price** : US$198.75*** (For Nov. 2021!!)Electromagnetic Space Launchers, Vol. IV,
Electrical Considerations
BY J. LOPEZ L. (Poemnet Editions), 295 pag.
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Electromagnetic Space Launchers, Vol. VI,
Human Factors and Safety Considerations
BY J. LOPEZ L. (Poemnet Editions), 295 pag.
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Electromagnetic Space Launchers, Vol. VII,
Design Considerations
BY J. LOPEZ L. (Poemnet Editions), 295 pag.
Price : US$198.75 (For Nov. 2022!!)
Electromagnetic Space Launchers, Vol. VIII,
Future Perspectives
BY J. LOPEZ L. (Poemnet Editions), 295 pag.
Price : US$198.75 (For Nov. 2022!!)
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