domingo, 12 de mayo de 2019

Quantum Gravity (Divulgation)

Quantum Space: Loop Quantum Gravity and the Search for the Structure of Space, Time, and the Universe ,
By  Jim Baggott, 447 pags. More  Info 
Price** :  US$ 318.75*** ,
digital  cover,

Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity ,
By Carlo Rovelli,  240 pags. More  Info 
Price** :  US$328.75*** ,
digital cover,

Not Just Another Theory: A “Single” Complete Theory of Nature ,
By  Alan E Halonen , 349  pags. More  Info 
Price** :  US$ 545.75***
 digital   cover,

Quantum Strangeness: Wrestling with Bell's Theorem and the Ultimate Nature of Reality  ,
By George S. Greenstein & David Kaiser,  160 pags. More  Info 
Price** :  US$ 348.75***, 208 Pags.
 digital  cover,

The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory,
By Brian Greene   ,  pags. More  Info 
Price** :  US$ 358.75***,
Digital version

The  Hidden  Reaity and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos ,

By  Brian  Greene, 295  pags. More  Info 
Price** :  US$88.75***
 digital  and  hard  cover,

** 50%  Discount  to  Academic  and  Students  previous  accreditation . 

***Values in US Dollar and no include shipping cost.

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